WCS Joins Christ Church Uniting for Annual Sing-Along Messiah
- Who:
- This is a community sing-along, open to the public with members of the Windward Choral Society and the Christ Church Uniting Choir
- Soloists chosen from the chorus
- Susan McCreary Duprey, Conductor
- Tommy Yee, Collaborative Pianist
- This is a community sing-along, open to the public with members of the Windward Choral Society and the Christ Church Uniting Choir
With logistics support by Louise South, CCU Choir Director and Kalua Leong, CCU organist
- What:
- The Windward Side Sing-Along Messiah at CCU!
- When:
- Optional Rehearsal open to any interested singer Saturday, November 25 10:00 AM – 12 Noon
- Performance Sunday, November 26, 4:00-5:30 PM
- Where:
- Christ Church Uniting, 1300 Kailua Road, Kailua
- Cost:
- This concert is free and no tickets are required (donations appreciated)
For more Info Contact office@ccukailua.org