About Membership
THE WINDWARD CHORAL SOCIETY (WCS) is one of the only non-auditioned community-based choruses on O’ahu and the only large community chorus on the Windward side, including Waimanalo, Kailua, and Kāne‘ohe. The chorus is made up of mixed voices (SATB) from high school ages and up who are residents throughout the Island of O’ahu. The chorus currently is comprised of 100+ singers, who rehearse weekly to prepare music to present at free concerts, either alone or in partnership with other choral and orchestral groups. The group is a registered 501C(3) corporation. It was founded in September 2008.
Rehearsal Information
For more information call: (808)254-5717 or email: WindwardChoral@icloud.com
Click here to view a map of our rehearsal location.
Section Leaders
Please contact your section leader if:
- You are going to be absent or late to a rehearsal/concert
- You have questions regarding WCS events (“where/when do we meet”, etc.)
- You have specific musical questions (take your questions to the section leaders first and he/she will bring it to my attention)
List of section leaders:
- Soprano: Gail Wenos
- Alto: Katie Barbieto
- Tenor: Brian Dunkel
- Bass: Mark Ethridge
Member Resources