Posts from April 2015

8 Items

Windward Notes – Just a Little Lumpy

by WCS Blogmeister

If you’ve been a choral singer for any length of time, you’ve had it happen. A beautiful song is flowing from you and you’re deep within its meaning and it reaches out and climbs on in and sticks in your throat. There’s nothing you can do about it, the lump forms and you’re nearly brought […]

Windward Notes – “Hungary” for a Little Dulci-Grass?

by WCS Blogmeister

I just stumbled upon this little gem featuring our old friend Patti “Always Wearing a Look of Mischief” Amelotte. As always, she had managed to park herself in an unexpected place doing unexpected things wearing that sneaky little smile. If you thought playing Appalachian Christmas music in Hawaii was a stretch, how about Bluegrass in […]

Windward Notes – Epic Lungs

by WCS Blogmeister

According to the Guinness folks (the record-keepers, not the brewery), the longest continual vocal note was held for 1 minute, 43 seconds by Richard Fink IV. Wow. I can’t even hold my breath that long, I can’t imagine making noise too! Hawaii’s own Raiatea Helm can crank up a long note as well. If you’ve […]

Windward Notes – The Not-So-Whistle

by WCS Blogmeister

So there I was, listening to a visiting choir, when somebody started playing a whistle. At least it sounded like a whistle, playing a melody line that complimented the piece being sung. Why is this significant? Nobody had a whistle. The technique that was being demonstrated is Polyphonic Overtone Singing. The “Poly” part refers to […]

WIndward Notes – Stereotypes

by WCS Blogmeister

There seems to be a pattern of behavior in most large choirs that, over the years, has evolved into stereotypes associated with the different SATB voice parts. You’ve sung, I’m sure you’ve seen it. Basses – The pachyderms of the group, often need a little boost to catch up with the beat and would really […]

Windward Notes – Linger and Move

by WCS Blogmeister

One of my favorite corners of the inter-web-thing is It’s a site built and maintained by volunteers that has over 8,000 audio books that are free to stream or download (and they’re adding 100 or so every month).  All are in the public domain and read by volunteers using texts from the Gutenberg Project, […]

Windward Notes – Too Much Technology

by WCS Blogmeister

Warning: rant ahead. I write the blog so give me a little leeway here. Imagine you were sitting in a beautiful venue listening to one of the Windward Choral Society’s semiannual major concerts. The sound surrounds you and you feel a great sense of wonder and peace. ..and next to you a family of four […]