Posts from April 2016

6 Items

Windward Notes – Joy of the Month (Appeals and Currency)

by WCS Blogmeister

During the announcements portion of the Windward Choral Society’s April 4th rehearsal an appeal was made for volunteers to assist with a huge mailing. Hands were needed to fold paper and stuff envelopes and that sort of stuff (and in the interest of full disclosure, sipping wine seemed to be on the agenda). 24 hours […]

Windward Notes – Where Am I?

by WCS Blogmeister

So there you are, lost and confused. Your voice part is supposed to start at a measure that follows the accompaniment doing something goofy and you can’t figure what your starting note is supposed to be. Horrors! Fear not, this too can be defeated (99% of the time, sometimes you just have to hear and […]

Windward Notes – A-One and A-What?

by WCS Blogmeister

The centerpiece of the “Frozen Friday” concert, “Hodie”, spent very little time in straight old 4/4 time. Nope, it drifted all over the place. It took quite a while to get the rhythms all straight (practice, practice, practice) and Joanne should get a medal and a martini for how she played (maybe not in that […]

Windward Notes – Time for Silliness

by WCS Blogmeister

In honor of April Fool’s Day and because sometimes you just need to smile… I hate it when I’m singing along with the radio and the artist gets the words wrong. My neighbors listen to some excellent music…whether they like it or not. I can’t understand how people get eaten by sharks…can’t they hear the […]

Windward Notes – And the Room is Spotless

by WCS Blogmeister

(Blogmeister note: a couple of posts went off into the ether so I’m reposting them in case somebody missed ’em.) Fair warning…this is all a little weird BUT very fun. Stay with me. Let us consider the bagpipe (but not too much, there is a limit). This particular instrument has drones that give a constant […]

Windward Notes – Big, Bigger, Berlioz

by WCS Blogmeister

(Blogmeister note: this appears to have fallen into the black hole of the internet where things go to die so I’m reposting it. Weird.) I stumbled upon this stuff looking for other stuff (which is what the internet is about; you start by trying to find a recipe for chocolate chip cookies and find yourself […]