During the announcements portion of the Windward Choral Society’s April 4th rehearsal an appeal was made for volunteers to assist with a huge mailing. Hands were needed to fold paper and stuff envelopes and that sort of stuff (and in the interest of full disclosure, sipping wine seemed to be on the agenda). 24 hours later the Empress of Mailing sent this email:

“Ten volunteers signed up to help with the Appeal letter mailing party next Wednesday night, and a few more are checking their schedules. With 10-12 we should be able to ‘get ‘er done’ and in the mail the following day.”

And THAT my friends is how things roll when everyone becomes part of the bigger picture. Rehearse? You bet. Sing? That’s kinda the whole point of this thing. Get involved? That’s how a chorus survives and thrives. I went through some of the Joy of Music stuff that’s been flying around and  realized there are already something close to 30 people who are already hip-deep in something. And that doesn’t include the Rotarians and Lions Club volunteers who will be helping us. As that number continues to grow, the Joy of Music will just keep getting bigger and better!

I just wanted to take a little blog space to thank everyone who’s already hard at work, invite everyone else to join in and encourage chorus members to take a moment after rehearsal one night and say, “Thanks” to a Board member or volunteer. It’s the only pay they’ll get but it’s a great form of currency.