Windward Notes – The Blurry Rear-View Mirror

by WCS Blogmeister

Does anyone remember our season-starting open house back in September? How about the initial runs through the Christmas repertoire and our reactions to them? As usual, those reactions have morphed, evolved, bent and stretched and that first impression has been lost in the blur of rehearsals and the increase of our knowledge of the pieces. […]

Windward Notes – Gastro Goodness

by WCS Blogmeister

Concert week is arriving (with the sound of screeching brakes) so I thought I’d step away from music this week for a couple of things to be shared with people I like…the Blogmeister loves to experiment in the kitchen and these two attempts turned out tasty, give them a try. There’s plenty of information out there about […]

Windward Notes – En Pointe

by WCS Blogmeister

I was never a big art buff and find ballet duuuuullll so I was shocked at my reaction when I made a visit to the Art Institute of Chicago back when I was stationed at Naval Station Great Lakes. I don’t recall how but I ended up with a free pass and figured I could take a […]

Windward Notes – Searching for Suds

by WCS Blogmeister

If you haven’t cruised the Chorus Connection Membership Directory it’s a great way to learn more about the folks you sing with, maybe discover someone with a mutual interest or finally place a name with the face of that person you’ve enjoyed so many conversations with (while ensuring that they don’t know that you don’t know their […]

Windward Notes – A Moment of Reflection

by WCS Blogmeister

If you’ve read much of my stuff you know that my serious moments are few and far between. This is one of them. I know it’s long but I really felt like I needed to type it as the 2016 campaign (finally) winds down. Mrs. Blogmeister would be the first to tell you that most […]

Windward Notes – My Shrinking Head

by WCS Blogmeister

With apologies to our own dear Rita, why is the psychiatrist or psychologist’s answer to pretty much anything, “And how does that make you feel?” If it made the patient feel good there’s an excellent chance he or she wouldn’t be talking to the shrink, right? (An aside, where did the whole “shrink” thing come […]

Windward Notes – Mama Did It

by WCS Blogmeister

I’ll apologize in advance for this and warn you not to read on if you’re allergic to groaning. The Blogmeister’s mom and long list of friends are big time into forwarding emails around the planet (she’s old school…still has an AOL account) and when something is particularly horrific she assaults her only son with it. […]

Windward Notes – And Your Little Dog Too

by WCS Blogmeister

There’s a Hawaiian music channel on Time Warner Cable’s menu (channel 800 if you didn’t know) and there’s always a lot of Iz. I was puttering in the kitchen yesterday when his version of “Over the Rainbow” came on. Yeah, he got the words wrong and tinkered with the melody a bit but’s it’s still […]

Windward Notes – Joy of the Month (Bruce the Shark)

by WCS Blogmeister

We all recognize the eerie John Williams two-note theme that grows into a serious bit of panic. When “Jaws” came out in 1975 I went to see it with my mother (safety tip: don’t go to scary movies with your mother unless you want to lose an arm…when the guy’s head rolled out of the sunken boat […]

Windward Notes – We’re Going WHERE!?

by WCS Blogmeister

Whether this is your first year singing with the Windward Choral Society or you’ve been around for all nine, we’re all at that magical crossroads that appears after a few rehearsals. Now that we’ve sung everything a little and some things a few times there are two thoughts that climb up the back of the […]