Windward Notes – Taking a Journey

by WCS Blogmeister

Yeah, concerts are cool but that’s only a few nights a year, right? If we didn’t like gathering for a few hours each week to rehearse it wouldn’t matter HOW cool a concert is…we wouldn’t show up. And if the simple act of singing was the reason we gathered…shoots, we can do that in the […]

Windward Notes – Movin’ to the Groovin’

by WCS Blogmeister

I discovered (purely by accident of course) two ways to make a choir sound better. I’m certain there are many, many more but these two happened last weekend and I thought I’d share them for your consideration (and attempting). Many of the Windward Choral Society regulars will remember “Siyahamba (We Are Marching)” from years past. […]

Windward Notes – So Complex It’s Simple

by WCS Blogmeister

Ah, the sandwich. Put something yummy between two slices of bread and experience nirvana (unless it’s liverwurst or pimento loaf…that’s just nasty). Few dishes cover such a broad spectrum of ingredients, textures and flavors. Consider the most basic of the basic…two slices of bread with a slice of cheese in the middle. Butter the outsides […]

Windward Notes – Re-Combobulation

by WCS Blogmeister

So one of the members of my Sunday morning choir had a crappy week last week. Car broke down, cost big bucks to fix, had to cancel a trip because of it…and is the mother of a teenager. Ouch. Our regular schedule is to rehearse after the church service to get the next Sunday’s anthem […]

Windward Notes – A Flyby Snicker

by WCS Blogmeister

This came to me from one of the leaders of the church where I work and I just HAD to pass it on… —– HYMN # 365 A minister was completing a temperance sermon. With great emphasis he said, “If I had all the beer in the world, I’d take it and pour it into […]

Windward Notes – Hula By Flashlight

by WCS Blogmeister

I’m great. Really. No, no, not like THAT (don’t make me blush). I’m a great uncle, which means two things are true: 1) I have the cutest grand-niece on the planet and 2) I’m gettin’ old. Not having any kids of my own, it never occurred to me that someday I would be the relative […]

Windward Notes – Good Words

by WCS Blogmeister

Words to know that are important, all referring to music therapy as it applies to cancer patients… From Cancer Research UK: One of the main reasons people with cancer use music therapy is because it makes them feel good. Many of us know how calming and relaxing it can be to listen to a favourite […]

Once More Into the Breach!

by WCS Blogmeister

It’s September. Holman Hall was packed. Christmas music rolled across the parking lot. All is right with the world. Yup, the Windward Choral Society is back in action and two things happened last night when the music packets were picked up. First, the seasoned veterans thumbed through it and thought, “This looks interesting”. Second, the […]

Windward Notes – Still Cookin’

by WCS Blogmeister

Just a little something to nibble on that I invented… It’s mango season and there’s always a bag of them in the conference room at work and more from friends and neighbors. If you have a sweet one, try this… Your favorite white-fleshed fish (Ono, Opah, etc) cut into strips, drizzled with a little oil […]

Windward Notes – More On the Bellows

by WCS Blogmeister

With the insanity of a summer of both family and business travel, the blog is taking a little bit of hiatus as the choir does the same. When, however, I stumble on a nugget of knowledge worth sharing I’ll pass it along. Oh, look…here’s one now! (Note: the “link” feature in the posting software […]