Windward Notes – Reflections on a Decade #5 (Evolution)

by WCS Blogmeister

When I was living in Connecticut attending the Navy Nuclear Power Prototype School I got a letter from my mother in Vermont (email was still light years away) that had a quarter taped to it in the upper right hand corner and a blurry postmark on top of that. It was truly odd and prompted […]

Windward Notes – Reflections on a Decade #4 (The Hormel Can)

by WCS Blogmeister

The weirdness of this little corner of the mighty web isn’t 10 years old, it was begun as a bit of weekly silliness 2 1/2 years ago. I have no idea how many people actually read it but at least the time I spend slamming the computer is time I’m not spending in bars. The […]

Windward Notes – Finding the Light

by WCS Blogmeister

Auditions are a drag. Auditions are not fun. Auditions are scary. Auditions are stressful. I hate them and want them to crawl into a hole so I can pour dirt and concrete over the top of the hole and then bomb it into oblivion. Pardon my subtlety. I suspect that I’m not the only one […]

Windward Notes – I’ll Have a Chocolate Chip Cookie

by WCS Blogmeister

From the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), a non-profit based in the UK, a research paper entitled, “Impact of arts education on the cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes of school-aged children. A review of evidence” by Beng Huat See and Dimitra Kokotsaki, Durham University. Just so ya’ know, this was not a study of the arts but […]

Windward Notes – Reflections on a Decade #3 (Thanks for the Memories)

by WCS Blogmeister

In the fall of 1983 I was aboard the United States Navy’s USS Guam (LPH-9, “Swift and Bold”) sitting 300 yards off the coast of Beirut supporting Marines and getting shot at.* Good times. Not really. There was one beacon of fun, however, serving as home base for Bob Hope’s taping of his “Christmas in […]

Windward Notes – Wave ‘Dem Arms

by WCS Blogmeister

If you’re new to singing in front of a conductor this is for you. You see, there really is a method to the madness of Susie’s flailings and I wanted to clue you in. All of the time signatures that we use have a standard pattern of flailing and I wanted to share them with […]

Windward Notes – Five Months is But a Moment

by WCS Blogmeister

A quick reminder: the opinions expressed and the order of the words in Windward Notes are mine and nobody else’s. They do not reflect the views of and are not influenced or reviewed  by the Windward Choral Society, its members, its Board of Directors or anybody else on the planet. I got a little feisty […]

Windward Notes – Reflections on a Decade #2 (Leading Questions)

by WCS Blogmeister

Note: a little ahead of the monthly schedule but I thought it would be a good read prior to open house. —– When in doubt, go to the source. The only one of our merry band that’s been part of the Windward Choral Society MORE than 10 years…’cause she started the thing. I give you […]

Windward Notes – Mismatched Matches

by WCS Blogmeister

There are some words that just go together. The two add up to something that makes perfect sense and there’s no confusion about what’s going on. Some examples: “Richly Decorated” “Regular Exercise” “Excruciating Pain” (yeah, it’s not much fun but they DO go together well) “Vaguely Remember” “Get Drunk” (which leads to the “vaguely remember” […]