We survived! We thrived! Another epic set of concerts is in the books, the audiences went berserk, the last strains of “’O ‘Oe ‘Io” have faded into the night (accompanied by the grace of Ka’anohi) and the risers are back in storage. Time to…uh…time to…errrr…what? We’re done until September? AUGH!

Don’t be surprised at the hole in your life that got filled every Tuesday evening and has now been vacated. Every drug that cranks you up has a crash at the end (no, not THOSE drugs, I mean the adrenaline and endorphins that come screaming in as you build up to the first notes of a concert). How do you recover?

There’s always therapy and anti-depressants but, if you ask me, that’s a bit of overkill. I suspect our resident-psychologist-in-the-soprano-section would agree. I have a few other suggestions:

  • You have the email of pretty much everyone in the Windward Choral Society. Reach out to your friends and get together for a glass of wine and some laughs. Pick a Tuesday evening, you’re available now.
  • Keep an eye out for the inevitable post-concert music collating party over the summer. It’s grand fun and a huge help to the music library. Chances are there will again be wine available. Yeah, there’s a theme.
  • Keep an eye on and participate in the Chorus Connection bulletin board. That’s our own little gathering place and an opportunity keep folks up to speed on goings-on they might want jump in on.
  • Also pass through the WCS Facebook page if you have an account. Sorry, no wine when you visit.
  • Get out and support and enjoy other little hunks of culture and entertainment. Here’s a list to get started, explore for more!

Improv Throwdown, a free evening of improvisational comedy at Mark’s Garage. Mr. and Mrs. Blogmeister laughed their okoles off.

Habilitat Luau – a fundraising event for a non-profit that the Blogmeisters have known for many moons. Good folks, good fun.

Ke Kani O Ke Kai concerts at the Waikiki Aquarium – epic place for some music.

Mele Mai Paki Lima Community Handbell Choir – old friends of the Blogmeisters and a unique evening of music. Bring the kids.

Be sure to check the performance schedules for some of our local awesome venues:

Manoa Valley Theatre – seriously diverse performances.

Diamond Head Theatre – now in their 101st season…wow.

Hawaii Theatre – where many of our gang spent the best Super Bowl Sunday ever.

The Actors Group – small and intimate performances, like having a show in your living room

And of course there are the constant shows at every mall, the Royal Hawaiian Band, the Waikiki Shell, the Blaisdell, the list goes on and on. Go out and enjoy.

But don’t get so busy that you forget to crank up the WCS machine for the Christmas semester:

Open House
Tuesday, Sept 6
6:30 pm
Holman Hall

We should start a pool to guess how many languages we’ll sing THIS your. I don’t think the Blogmeister can count that high.