Windward Notes – Yelling at the Sponge

by WCS Blogmeister

A few years ago a friend of mine had finally had it with the wide, flat habitat filled with critters that was his living room. Specifically the carpet. In Hawaii there’s just no way to keep a carpet clean…and completely unoccupied. He threw his hands in the air, slapped his wallet three times (there’s no […]

Windward Notes – Kimosabe

by WCS Blogmeister

All the greats had a sidekick. The Lone Ranger and Tonto. The Green Hornet and Kato. Batman and Robin. Matt Dillon and Festus. They followed faithfully, acted as a sounding board for ideas and every now and then got into a pickle that they had to be rescued from. They were also frequently taught something […]

Windward Notes – What Was That You Said?

by WCS Blogmeister

The thing that we all wrap our head around as part of this bunch, right out of the non-profit paperwork: “The primary purpose and mission of the Windward Choral Society is to promote the joy, love, appreciation and value of multi-cultural choral music within the Windward O‘ahu community through a non-auditioned community-based chorus made up […]

Windward Notes – Joy of the Month (Shake That Thang)

by WCS Blogmeister

Our monthly peek at the Joy of Music International Style fundraising extravaganza held last fall. The evening is truly a kaleidoscope of culture and sound and excitement. Some of our friends were there to dance…and some just couldn’t help themselves. Sometimes you just have to jump out of your chair and dance between the tables. […]

Windward Notes – I Won the Lottery!!! Part Two

by WCS Blogmeister

Continuing our conversation with “Fred” the scambaiter. If you missed part one, it’s HERE. WB: You mentioned mules, what did you mean? Fred: A mule is someone who is (often unknowingly) laundering money for criminals. In many cases they’ve answered an advertisement for a work-at-home job that involves receiving cashier’s checks or bank transfers and […]

Windward Notes – I Won the Lottery!!! Part One

by WCS Blogmeister

Not an entry about music, but a quick education on some internet leeches, prompted by several recent news items that made me both sad and mad. Consider it a public service; we all need to look out for each other in cyberspace. If you’ve been on the internet more than five minutes you’ve already started […]

WIndward Notes – Wise Words

by WCS Blogmeister

Food for thought from people smarter than me… “When a singer truly feels and experiences what the music is all about, the words will automatically ring true.” – Montserrat Caballe “I get the greatest feeling when I’m singing. It’s other-worldly. Your feet are anchored into the Earth and into this energy force that comes up […]

Windward Notes – Joy of the Month

by WCS Blogmeister

Believe it or not, a year from now we’ll be wrapping up the preparations for the 2016 version of the “Joy of Music”, our semi-annual massive, epic, beastie of a fundraiser. There really is nothing quite like it and it always sells out (we actually had to make space last year for some extra folks, […]

Windward Notes – Stop Squeezing That Pig

by WCS Blogmeister

If you’re up for a kilt-filled weekend, head for St. Louis for the Highland Games this Saturday! In honor of this auspicious gathering I offer the following thoughts: Q: What’s the range of a bagpipe? A: Twenty yards if you have a good arm. —– Q: What’s the definition of “perfect pitch”. A: When you […]